Animated Short Film
The Circle of Garba
This film was a labour of love, hand drawn and painted.
Student film that travelled to multiple festivals and continues to randomly pop up every now and then.
Drawn on paper over the light box and then Painted with acrylic colours on cel.The multiple exposure shot was an experiment with Deepak Bhai. It was shot under the Oxberry.
Kiskasas, Budapest 2001.
Etuida Zagreb 2002 student competition
Films from the South 2002 at Oslo, Norway
Interfilm Berlin 2002, Germany
Bradford Animation Festival 2002, United Kingdom
The Tehran International Animation festival 2003, Iran
Annecy 2003, France
MIAF 2003, Melbourne
SIAF 2003, Sydney, Australia
Newzealand animation festival 2003
Anima Mundi 2003, Brazil